



Circadian Coexpression (DIURNAL + ATTED-II promoter motif) Full

Circadian Data collected over two days (44 hours) at four hour intervals in various growth conditions. We calculated the Phase of each data by non-linear best fit to a sine wave with a 24 hour period, and similarly calculated the Amplitude. Visually checking the 1000 largest amplitude genes showed a good fit in all cases, though a few genes clearly deviated from sinusoidal behavior. All had a major period of 24 hours. For each gene locus, we added the CEG motifs as calculated by ATTED-II. Gene Loci without expression data or motif data were removed from this database.

References (for ATTED-II):
References (for DIURNAL)

Descriptions for each data table:
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Dark (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Dark (24h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h), by using the Smith method.
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h), by using the Stitt method.
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler (Landsberg-ereta) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis hif138-13 (HETEROGENOUS INBRED FAMILY 138-13) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis hif138-8 (HETEROGENOUS INBRED FAMILY 138-8) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis tsp-ox (hif138-8) (TANDEM ZINCKNUCKLE PROTEIN-ox) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (24h), and subjected to Light (24h) by the Kay method.
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (24h), and subjected to Light (24h) by the Miller method.
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Light (24h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Columbia strain 0, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Light (12h) / Hot (12h) / Cold (12h), and subjected to Light (24h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis lhy (lhy-ox) (LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler strain, grown under the circadian condition of long day light, that is, Light (16h) Dark (8h) by using the Kay method.
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis lux-2 (LUX ARRHYTHMO-2) strain, grown under the circadian condition Light (12h) Dark (12h) / Hot (24h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis phyB9 (PHYTOCHROME B-9) strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h).
This collection of Gene Expression Properties are associated with the Arabidopsis Ler strain, grown under the circadian condition of short day light, that is, Light (8h) Dark (16h) by using the Kay method.


