



#lang en
#attribution_name GenoCon
#attribution_url http://promotercad.org
#license http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed.ja
#file_name tooltip_GeneAtlas
#download_from http://linkdata.org/work/rdf1s915i
#namespace CL http://www.ontobee.org/browser/rdf.php?o=CL&iri=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/CL_
#namespace UBERON http://www.ontobee.org/browser/rdf.php?o=UBERON&iri=http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_
#property explanation CL ontology
#object_type_xsd string string
#property_context Assertion Assertion
MEF Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) CL:0000057
mammary_gland__lact The specialized accessory gland of the skin of female mammals that secretes milk. In the human female, it is a compound tubuloalveolar gland composed of 15 to 25 lobes arranged radially about the nipple and separated by connective and adipose tissue, each lobe having its own excretory (lactiferous) duct opening on the nipple. The lobes are subdivided into lobules, with the alveolar ducts and alveoli being the secretory portion of the gland[BTO]. The mouse forms five to six pairs of mammary glands that extend from the neck to the groin. UBERON:0001911
adipose_white Connective tissue consisting of fat-storing cells and arranged in lobular groups or along minor blood vessels. UBERON:0001347
mammary_gland_non-lactating - UBERON:0001911
adipose_brown A thermogenic form of adipose tissue that is composed of brown adipocytes. UBERON:0001348
lung Respiration organ present in all air-breathing animals whose principal function is to transport oxygen from the atmosphere into the bloodstream, and to release carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere. UBERON:0002048
placenta Organ of metabolic interchange between fetus and mother, partly of embryonic origin and partly of maternal origin UBERON:0001987
uterus A major female hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ of most mammals including humans. One end, the cervix, opens into the vagina, while the other is connected to one or both fallopian tubes, depending on the species. It is within the uterus that the fetus develops during gestation, usually developing completely in placental mammals such as humans and partially in marsupials such as kangaroos and opossums. Two uteruses usually form initially in a female fetus, and in placental mammals they may partially or completely fuse into a single uterus depending on the species. In many species with two uteruses, only one is functional. Humans and other higher primates such as chimpanzees, along with horses, usually have a single completely fused uterus, although in some individuals the uteruses may not have completely fused[WP]. UBERON:0000995
ovary Ovary UBERON:0000992
umbilical_cord The connecting cord from the developing embryo or fetus to the placenta. During prenatal development, the umbilical cord comes from the same zygote as the fetus and (in humans) normally contains two arteries (the umbilical arteries) and one vein (the umbilical vein), buried within Wharton's jelly. The umbilical vein supplies the fetus with oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood from the placenta. Conversely, the umbilical arteries return the deoxygenated, nutrient-depleted blood[WP]. UBERON:0002331
bladder bladder CL:1001319
prostate Prostate UBERON:0002367
testis Gonad of a male animal, produces and releases sperm. UBERON:0000473
epidermis The outer layer of the skin[WP]. cellular, multilayered epithelium derived from the ectoderm[ZFA]. UBERON:0001003
stomach An expanded region of the vertebrate alimentary tract that serves as a food storage compartment and digestive organ. A stomach is lined, in whole or in part by a glandular epithelium. UBERON:0000945
intestine_large A subdivision of the digestive tract that connects the small intestine to the cloaca or anus. Lacks or has few villi. UBERON:0000059
intestine_small Subdivision of digestive tract that connects the stomach to the large intestine and is where much of the digestion and absorption of food takes place (with the exception of ruminants). The mammalian small intestine is long and coiled and can be differentiated histologically into: duodenum, jejunem, ileum. UBERON:0002108
salivary_gland Saliva-secreting exocrine glands of the oral cavity. UBERON:0001044
lacrimal_gland The lacrimal glands are paired almond-shaped glands, one for each eye, that secrete the aqueous layer of the tear film. They are situated in the upper, outer portion of each orbit. Inflammation of the lacrimal glands is called dacryoadenitis. UBERON:0001817
pancreas An endoderm derived structure that produces precursors of digestive enzymes and blood glucose regulating enzymes UBERON:0001264
liver An exocrine gland which secretes bile and functions in metabolism of protein and carbohydrate and fat, synthesizes substances involved in the clotting of the blood, synthesizes vitamin A, detoxifies poisonous substances, stores glycogen, and breaks down worn-out erythrocytes. UBERON:0002107
kidney A paired organ which has the production of urine as its primary function. UBERON:0002113
pituitary Pituitary UBERON:0000007
adrenal_gland Either of a pair of complex endocrine organs near the anterior medial border of the kidney consisting of a mesodermal cortex that produces glucocorticoid, mineralocorticoid, and androgenic hormones and an ectodermal medulla that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine[BTO]. UBERON:0002369
skeletal_muscle A somatic cell located in skeletal muscle. CL:0000188
heart A myogenic muscular organ found in the cardiovascular system. UBERON:0000948
embryonic_stem_line_V26_2_p16 A stem cell of embryonic origin. CL:0002322
embryonic_stem_line_Bruce4_p13 A stem cell of embryonic origin. CL:0002322
stem_cells__HSC A relatively undifferentiated cell that retains the ability to divide and proliferate throughout life to provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells. CL:0000034
common_myeloid_progenitor A progenitor cell committed to myeloid lineage, including the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages. These cells are CD34-positive, and express Gata1, Gata2, C/EBPa, and Pu.1. CL:0000049
granulo_mono_progenitor A hematopoietic progenitor cell that is committed to the granulocyte and monocyte lineages. These cells are CD123-positive, and do not express Gata1 or Gata2 but do express C/EBPa, and Pu.1. CL:0000557
mega_erythrocyte_progenitor A progenitor cell committed to the megakaryocyte and erythroid lineages. CL:0000050
thymocyte_DP_CD4+CD8+ Thymocyte, double positive CD4+CD8+ CL:0000893
thymocyte_SP_CD4+ Thymocyte, single positive CD4+ CL:0000893
thymocyte_SP_CD8+ Thymocyte, single positive CD8+ CL:0000893
T-cells_CD4+ T-cells, CD4 expressed CL:0000084
T-cells_CD8+ T-cells, CD8 expressed CL:0000084
T-cells_foxP3+ T-cells, foxP3 expressed CL:0000084
NK_cells Natural killer (NK) cells CL:0000623
B-cells_GL7_negative_KLH GL7 is commonly used as a marker for mouse germinal center B cells. The epitope of GL7 has been identified as a sialic acid glycan moiety called Neu5Ac. This moiety is recognized by CD22. -
B-cells_GL7_positive_Alum - -
B-cells_GL7_positive_KLH - -
B-cells_GL7negative_Alum - -
follicular_B-cells A resting mature B cell that has the phenotype IgM-positive, IgD-positive, CD23-positive and CD21-positive, and found in the B cell follicles of the white pulp of the spleen or the corticol areas of the peripheral lymph nodes. This cell type is also described as being CD19-positive, B220-positive, AA4-negative, CD43-negative, and CD5-negative. CL:0000843
B-cells_marginal_zone A mature B cell that is located in the marginal zone of the spleen with the phenotype CD23-negative and CD21-positive and expressing a B cell receptor usually reactive to bacterial cell wall components or senescent self components such as oxidized-LDL. This cell type is also described as being CD19-positive, B220-positive, IgM-high, AA4-negative, CD35-high. CL:0000845
Baf3 Ba/F3, a murine interleukin-3 dependent pro-B cell line is increasingly popular as a model system for assessing both the potency and downstream signaling of kinase oncogenes, and the ability of small-molecule kinase inhibitors to block kinase activity. -
dendritic_cells_lymphoid_CD8a+ A cell of hematopoietic origin, typically resident in particular tissues, specialized in the uptake, processing, and transport of antigens to lymph nodes for the purpose of stimulating an immune response via T cell activation. CL:0000451
dendritic_cells_myeloid_CD8a- - CL:0000451
dendritic_plasmacytoid_B220+ - CL:0000451
mast_cells A cell that is found in almost all tissues containing numerous basophilic granules and capable of releasing large amounts of histamine and heparin upon activation. CL:0000097
mast_cells_IgE A sample of mast cells, stimulated with immunoglobulin E (IgE). CL:0000097
mast_cells_IgE+antigen_1hr - CL:0000097
mast_cells_IgE+antigen_6hr - CL:0000097
macrophage_bone_marrow_0hr Bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMM), unstimulated CL:0002476
macrophage_bone_marrow_24h_LPS Bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMM), lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-regulated for 24hr CL:0002476
macrophage_bone_marrow_2hr_LPS Bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMM), lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-regulated for 2hr CL:0002476
macrophage_bone_marrow_6hr_LPS Bone marrow-derived macrophage (BMM), lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-regulated for 6hr CL:0002476
macrophage_peri_LPS_thio_0hrs Thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophage (TEPM), unstimulated CL:0000581
macrophage_peri_LPS_thio_1hrs Thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophage (TEPM), lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-regulated for 1hr CL:0000581
macrophage_peri_LPS_thio_7hrs Thioglycollate-elicited peritoneal macrophage (TEPM), lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-regulated for 7hr CL:0000581
granulocytes_mac1+gr1+ A leukocyte with abundant granules in the cytoplasm. CL:0000094
microglia Microglia, a resident tissue macrophage population of the brain CL:0000129
osteoclasts Osteoclasts CL:0000092
osteoblast_day14 Osteoclasts, grown 14 days CL:0000062
osteoblast_day21 Osteoclasts, grown 21 days CL:0000062
osteoblast_day5 Osteoclasts, grown 5 days CL:0000062
spleen Organ found in virtually all vertebrate animals with important roles in regard to red blood cells and the immune system. In humans, it is located in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen. It removes old red blood cells and holds a reserve in case of hemorrhagic shock, especially in animals like horses (not in humans), while recycling iron. It synthesizes antibodies in its white pulp and removes, from blood and lymph node circulation, antibody-coated bacteria along with antibody-coated blood cells. UBERON:0002106
lymph_nodes Oval or bean shaped bodies (1 - 30 mm in diameter) located along the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are garrisons of B, T, and other immune cells. UBERON:0000029
bone_marrow A cell found in the bone marrow. This can include fibroblasts, macrophages, adipocytes, osteoblasts, osteoclasts, endothelial cells and hematopoietic cells. CL:0002092
bone A connective tissue cell found in bone. CL:0001035
nih_3T3 3T3 cells come from a cell line established in 1962 by two scientists then at the Department of Pathology in the New York University School of Medicine, George Todaro and Howard Green. The 3T3 cell line has become the standard fibroblast cell line. Todaro and Green originally obtained their 3T3 cells from Swiss mouse embryo tissue. -
C2C12 C2C12 is a mouse myoblast cell line. C2C12 cells were originally obtained by Yaffe and Saxel through serial passage of myoblasts cultured from the thigh muscle of C3H mice after a crush injury. These cells are capable of differentiation. C2C12 cells are a useful tool to study the differentiation of myoblast and osteoblast, to express various proteins, and to explore mechanistic pathways. -
C3H_10T1_2 The non-osteogenic mouse pluripotent cell line, C3H10T1/2, is induced to differentiate into osteoblastic cells by recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2. -
3T3-L1 3T3-L1 is a cell line derived from 3T3 cells that is used in biological research on adipose tissue. 3T3-L1 cells have a fibroblast-like morphology, but, under appropriate conditions, the cells differentiate into an adipocyte-like phenotype. -
mIMCD-3 mIMCD-3 is an inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cell line derived in 1991 by Michael Rauchman from a mouse transgenic for the early region of SV40 [Tg(SV40E)bri/7]. A tubule from the terminal one-third of the IMCD was microdissected and placed in culture. Confluent cells were subcultured and cloned using cloning cylinders. -
neuro2a Clone Neuro-2a was established by R.J. Klebe and F.H. Ruddle from a spontaneous tumor of a strain A albino mouse. This tumor line, designated C1300, was obtained from the Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine. -
RAW_264_7 The widely utilized macrophage-like cell line, RAW264 -
min6 - -
retinal_pigment_epithelium An epithelial cell of the retinal pigmented epithelium. CL:0002586
retina The retina is the innermost layer or coating at the back of the eyeball, which is sensitive to light and in which the optic nerve terminates. UBERON:0000966
iris A membrane in the eye, responsible for controlling the amount of light reaching the retina. UBERON:0001769
ciliary_bodies Circumferential tissue inside the eye composed of the ciliary muscle and ciliary processes. UBERON:0001775
eyecup Multi-tissue structure that is comprised of neural and non-neural epithelial layers which will form the retina and retinal pigmented epithelium of the mature eye. UBERON:0003072
lens Lens CL:0002222
cornea Transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. Together with the lens, the cornea refracts light, accounting for approximately two-thirds of the eye's total optical power UBERON:0000964
cerebral_cortex_prefrontal - UBERON:0000956
cerebral_cortex The thin layer of gray matter on the surface of the cerebral hemisphere that develops from the telencephalon. It consists of the neocortex (6 layered cortex or isocortex), the hippocampal formation and the olfactory cortex. UBERON:0000956
amygdala Subcortical brain region lying anterior to the hippocampal formation in the temporal lobe and anterior to the temporal horn of the lateral ventricle in some species. It is usually subdivided into several groups. Functionally, it is not considered a unitary structure (MM). UBERON:0001876
* Row count is limited to 100.