
Link and Publish your data

to the Linked Open Data Community

Linkdata Work Information

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#lang ja
#attribution_name makita
#file_name jinkosyucyu
#property nen population menseki mitudo
#object_type_xsd string int float float
#property_context Assertion Assertion Assertion Assertion
1 昭和60 17225 4.2 4101.2
2 平成 2 22759 6.8 3346.9
3 平成 7 23351 7.3 3207.6
4 平成12 23308 7.21 3232.7
5 平成17 23586 7.34 3213.4
6 平成22 24189 7.6 3182.8
* Row count is limited to 100.