



One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(Audio on the LibriVox)

Librivox(https://librivox.org/)で提供されている"One Hundred Verses from Old Japan" translated by William N. Porter をデータ化しています。



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#attribution_name Nanako Takahashi
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audio_porter_001 Poem no.1 by Tenchi Tenno The Emperor Tenchi OUT in the fields this autumn day They're busy reaping grain ; I sought for shelter ’neath this roof, But fear I sought in vain,— My sleeve is wet with rain. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:23 00:02:46 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_001 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_002 Poem no.2 by Jito Tenno The Empress Jito THE spring has gone, the summer's come, And I can just descry The peak of Ama-no-kagu, Where angels of the sky Spread their white robes to dry. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:41 00:00:58 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_002 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_003 Poem no.3 by Kaki-no-Moto no Hitomaro The Nobleman Kaki-no-Moto LONG is the mountain pheasant's tail That curves down in its flight; But longer still, it seems to me, Left in my lonely plight, Is this unending night. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:59 00:01:19 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_003 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_004 Poem no.4 by Yamabe no Akahito Akahito Yamabe I STARTED off along the shore, The sea shore at Tago, And saw the white and glist’ning peak Of Fuji all aglow Through falling flakes of snow. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:19 00:01:36 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_004 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_005 Poem no.5 by Saru Maru Taiu Saru Maru, A Shinto Official HEAR the stag's pathetic call Far up the mountain side, While tramping o'er the maple leaves Wind-scattered far and wide This sad, sad autumn tide. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:36 00:01:56 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_005 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_006 Poem no.6 by Chū-nagon Yakamochi The Imperial Adviser Yakamochi WHEN on the Magpies' Bridge I see The Hoar-frost King has cast His sparkling mantle, well I know The night is nearly past, Daylight approaches fast. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:56 00:02:17 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_006 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_007 Poem no.7 by Abe no Nakamaro Nakamaro Abe WHILE gazing up into the sky, My thoughts have wandered far; Methinks I see the rising moon Above Mount Mikasa At far-off Kasuga. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:17 00:02:33 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_007 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_008 Poem no.8 by Kizen Hoshi The Priest Kizen MY home is near the Capital, My humble cottage bare Lies south-east on Mount Uji; so The people all declare My life's a 'Hill of Care'. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:34 00:02:51 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_008 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_009 Poem no.9 by Ono no Komachi Komachi Ono THE blossom's tint is washed away By heavy showers of rain; My charms, which once I prized so much, Are also on the wane, Both bloomed, alas! in vain. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:51 00:03:10 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_009 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_010 Poem no.10 by Semi Maru Semi Maru THE stranger who has travelled far, The friend with welcome smile, All sorts of men who come and go Meet at this mountain stile,— They meet and rest awhile. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_001-010_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:11 00:03:26 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_010 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_011 Poem no.11 by Sangi Takamura The Privy Councillor Takamura OH! Fishers in your little boats, Quick! tell my men, I pray, They'll find me at Yasoshima, I'm being rowed away Far off across the bay. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:26 00:00:42 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_011 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_012 Poem no.12 by Sojo Henjo Bishop Henjo OH stormy winds, bring up the clouds, And paint the heavens grey; Lest these fair maids of form divine Should angel wings display, And fly far far away. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:43 00:01:03 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_012 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_013 Poem no.13 by Yozei In The Retired Emperor Yozei THE Mina stream comes tumbling down From Mount Tsukuba's height; Strong as my love, it leaps into A pool as black as night With overwhelming might. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:03 00:01:21 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_013 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_014 Poem no.14 by Kawara no Sadaijin The Minister-of-the-Left of the Kawara (District of Kyoto) AH! why does love distract my thoughts, Disordering my will! I'm like the pattern on the cloth Of Michinoku hill,— All in confusion still. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:22 00:01:42 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_014 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_015 Poem no.15 by Kwoko Tenno The Emperor Kwoko MOTHER, for thy sake I have been Where the wakana grow, To bring thee back some fresh green leaves And see—my koromo Is sprinkled with the snow! Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:43 00:02:05 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_015 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_016 Poem no.16 by Chū-Nagon Ariwara no Yuki-hira The Imperial Adviser Yuki-hira Ariwara IF breezes on Inaba's peak Sigh through the old pine tree, To whisper in my lonely ears That thou dost pine for me,— Swiftly I'll fly to thee. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:05 00:02:27 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_016 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_017 Poem no.17 by Ariwara no Nari-hira Ason The Minister Nari-hira Ariwara ALL red with leaves Tatsuta's stream So softly purls along, The everlasting Gods themselves, Who judge 'twixt right and wrong, Ne'er heard so sweet a song. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:28 00:02:52 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_017 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_018 Poem no.18 by Fujiwara No Toshi-yuki Ason The Minister Toshi-yuki Fujiwara TO-NIGHT on Sumi-no-ye beach The waves alone draw near; And, as we wander by the cliffs, No prying eyes shall peer, No one shall dream we're here. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:52 00:03:13 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_018 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_019 Poem no.19 by Ise The Princess Ise SHORT as the joints of bamboo reeds That grow beside the sea On pebble beach at Naniwa, I hope the time may be, When thou ’rt away from me. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:14 00:03:31 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_019 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_020 Poem no.20 by Moto-yoshi Shinno The Heir-Apparent Moto-yoshi WE met but for a moment, and I'm wretched as before; The tide shall measure out my life, Unless I see once more The maid, whom I adore. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_011-020_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:32 00:03:51 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_020 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_021 Poem no.21 by Sosei Hoshi The Priest Sosei THE moon that shone the whole night through This autumn morn I see, As here I wait thy well-known step, For thou didst promise me— 'I'll surely come to thee.' Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:22 00:00:40 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_021 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_022 Poem no.22 by Bunya No Yasuhide Yasuhide Bunya THE mountain wind in autumn time Is well called 'hurricane'; It hurries canes and twigs along, And whirls them o'er the plain To scatter them again. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:40 00:00:59 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_022 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_023 Poem no.23 by Oye no Chisato Chisato Oye THIS night the cheerless autumn moon Doth all my mind enthrall; But others also have their griefs, For autumn on us all Hath cast her gloomy pall. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:59 00:01:17 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_023 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_024 Poem no.24 by Kwan-ke Kwan-ke I BRING no prayers on coloured silk To deck thy shrine to-day, But take instead these maple leaves, That grow at Tamuké; Finer than silk are they. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:17 00:01:33 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_024 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_025 Poem no.25 by Sanjo Udaijin The Minister-of-the-Right of the Sanjo (District of Kyoto) HEAR thou art as modest as The little creeping spray Upon Mount Ōsaka, which hides Beneath the grass; then, pray, Wander with me to-day. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:34 00:00:55 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_025 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_026 Poem no.26 by Tei-shin Ko Prince Tei-shin THE maples of Mount Ogura, If they could understand, Would keep their brilliant leaves, until The Ruler of this land Pass with his royal band. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:56 00:02:13 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_026 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_027 Poem no.27 by Chū-Nagon Kanesuke The Imperial Adviser Kanesuke OH! rippling River Izumi, That flows through Mika plain, Why should the maid I saw but now And soon shall see again Torment my love-sick brain? Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:13 00:02:32 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_027 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_028 Poem no.28 by Minamoto no Mune-yuki Ason The Minister Mune-yuki Minamoto THE mountain village solitude In winter time I dread; It seems as if, when friends are gone, And trees their leaves have shed, All men and plants are dead. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:32 00:02:53 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_028 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_029 Poem no.29 by Oshi-kochi No Mitsune Mitsune Oshi-kochi IT was a white chrysanthemum I came to take away; But, which are coloured, which are white, I'm half afraid to say, So thick the frost to-day! Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:53 00:03:12 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_029 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_030 Poem no.30 by Nibu no Tadamine Tadamine Nibu I HATE the cold unfriendly moon, That shines at early morn; And nothing seems so sad and grey, When I am left forlorn, As day's returning dawn. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_021-030_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:12 00:03:32 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_030 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_031 Poem no.31 by Saka-no-Uye no Korenori Korenori Saka-no-Uye SURELY the morning moon, I thought, Has bathed the hill in light But, no; I see it is the snow That, falling in the night, Has made Yoshino white. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:24 00:00:43 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_031 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_032 Poem no.32 by Harumichi no Tsuraki Tsuraki Harumichi THE stormy winds of yesterday The maple branches shook; And see! a mass of crimson leaves Has lodged within that nook, And choked the mountain brook. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:44 00:01:03 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_032 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_033 Poem no.33 by Kino Tomonori Tomonori Kino THE spring has come, and once again The sun shines in the sky; So gently smile the heavens, that It almost makes me cry, When blossoms droop and die. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:03 00:01:22 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_033 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_034 Poem no.34 by Fujiwara No Oki-kaze Oki-kaze Fujiwara GONE are my old familiar friends, The men I used to know; Yet still on Takasago beach The same old pine trees-grow, That I knew long ago. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:22 00:01:42 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_034 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_035 Poem no.35 by Kino Tsura-yuki Tsura-yuki Kino THE village of my youth is gone, New faces meet my gaze; But still the blossoms at thy gate, Whose perfume scents the ways, Recall my childhood's days. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:43 00:02:03 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_035 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_036 Poem no.36 by Kiyowara no Fuka-yabu Fuka-yabu Kiyowara Too short the lovely summer night, Too soon ’tis passed away; I watched to see behind which cloud The moon would chance to stay, And here's the dawn of day! Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:03 00:02:24 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_036 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_037 Poem no.37 by Bunya no Asayasu Asayasu Bunya THIS lovely morn the dewdrops flash Like diamonds on the grass— A blaze of sparkling jewels! But The autumn wind, alas! Scatters them as I pass. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:25 00:02:44 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_037 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_038 Poem no.38 by Ukon Ukon MY broken heart I don't lament, To destiny I bow; But thou hast broken solemn oaths,— I pray the Gods may now Absolve thee from thy vow. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:44 00:03:00 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_038 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_039 Poem no.39 by Sangi Hitoshi The Privy Councillor Hitoshi ’TIS easier to hide the reeds Upon the moor that grow, Than try to hide the ardent love That sets my cheeks aglow For somebody I know. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:01 00:03:19 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_039 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_040 Poem no.40 by Taira no Kanemori Kanemori Taira ALAS! the blush upon my cheek, Conceal it as I may, Proclaims to all that I'm in love, Till people smile and say— 'Where are thy thoughts to-day?' Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_031-040_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:20 00:03:38 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_040 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_041 Poem no.41 by Nibu no Tadami Tadami Nibu OUR courtship, that we tried to hide, Misleading is to none; And yet how could the neighbours guess, That I had yet begun To fancy any one? Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:25 00:00:41 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_041 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_042 Poem no.42 by Kiyowara no Moto-suke Moto-suke Kiyowara OUR sleeves, all wet with tears, attest That you and I agree That to each other we'll be true, Till Pine-tree Hill shall be Sunk far beneath the sea. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:41 00:01:03 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_042 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_043 Poem no.43 by Chū-nagon Yatsu-tada The Imperial Adviser Yatsu-tada HOW desolate my former life, Those dismal years, ere yet I chanced to see thee face to face ’Twere better to forget Those days before we met. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:03 00:01:23 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_043 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_044 Poem no.44 by Chū-Nagon Asa-tada The Imperial Adviser Asa-tada TO fall in love with womankind Is my unlucky fate; If only it were otherwise, I might appreciate Some men, whom now I hate. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:24 00:01:42 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_044 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_045 Poem no.45 by Ken-toku Ko Prince Ken-toku I DARE not hope my lady-love Will smile on me again; She knows no Pity, and my life I care not to retain, Since all my prayers are vain. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:42 00:02:00 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_045 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_046 Poem no.46 by So Ne-yoshi-tada The Priest Ne-yoshi-tada THE fishing-boats are tossed about, When stormy winds blow strong; With rudder lost, how can they reach The port for which they long? So runs the old love-song. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:00 00:02:20 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_046 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_047 Poem no.47 by Ye-kei Hoshi The Priest Ye-kei MY little temple stands alone, No other hut is near; No one will pass to stop and praise Its vine-grown roof, I fear, Now that the autumn's here. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:20 00:02:39 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_047 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_048 Poem no.48 by Minamoto no Shige-yuki Shige-yuki Minamoto THE waves that dash against the rocks Are broken by the wind And turned to spray; my loving heart Is broken too, I find, Since thou art so unkind. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:40 00:02:59 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_048 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_049 Poem no.49 by Onakatomi no Yoshi-nobu Ason The Minister Yoshi-nobu, of Priestly Rank MY constancy to her I love I never will forsake; As surely as the Palace Guards Each night their watch-fire make And guard it till daybreak. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:00 00:03:20 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_049 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_050 Poem no.50 by Fujiwara no Yoshitaka Yoshitaka Fujiwara DEATH had no terrors, Life no joys, Before I met with thee; But now I fear, however long My life may chance to be, ’Twill be too short for me! Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_041-050_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:20 00:03:40 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_050 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_051 Poem no.51 by Fujiwara no Sanekata Ason The Minister Sanekata Fujiwara THOUGH love, like blisters made from leaves Grown on Mount Ibuki, Torments me more than I can say, My lady shall not see, How she is paining me. The artemisia plant, or mugwort, is used in Japan for cauterizing; a conical wad of the leaves or blossoms is placed on the spot, lit at the top, and allowed to burn down to the skin; this produces a blister, and is extremely painful. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:25 00:00:45 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_051 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_052 Poem no.52 by Fujiwara no Michi-nobu Ason The Minister Michi-nobu Fujiwara ALTHOUGH I know the gentle night Will surely follow morn, Yet, when I'm wakened by the sun, Turn over, stretch and yawn— How I detest the dawn! Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:03 00:01:24 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_052 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_053 Poem no.53 by Udaisho Michi-tsuna no Haha The Mother of Michi-tsuna, Commander of the Right Imperial Guard ALL through the long and dreary night I lie awake and moan; How desolate my chamber feels, How weary I have grown Of being left alone! Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:24 00:01:46 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_053 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_054 Poem no.54 by Gido-sanshi no Haha The Mother of the Minister of State HOW difficult it is for men Not to forget the past! I fear my husband's love for me Is disappearing fast; This day must be my last. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:46 00:02:06 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_054 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_055 Poem no.55 by Dai-Nagon Kinto The First Adviser of State Kinto THIS waterfall's melodious voice Was famed both far and near; Although it long has ceased to flow, Yet still with memory's ear Its gentle splash I hear. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:07 00:02:28 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_055 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_056 Poem no.56 by Izumi Shikibu Izumi Shikibu MY life is drawing to a close, I cannot longer stay, A pleasant memory of thee I fain would take away; So visit me, I pray. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:28 00:02:43 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_056 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_057 Poem no.57 by Murasaki Shikibu Murasaki Shikibu I WANDERED forth this moonlight night, And some one hurried by; But who it was I could not see,— Clouds driving o'er the sky Obscured the moon on high.. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:44 00:03:02 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_057 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_058 Poem no.58 by Daini no Sammi Daini no Sammi As fickle as the mountain gusts That on the moor I've met, ’Twere best to think no more of thee, And let thee go. But yet I never can forget. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:02 00:03:18 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_058 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_059 Poem no.59 by Akazome Emon Akazome Emon WAITING and hoping for thy step, Sleepless in bed I lie, All through the night, until the moon, Leaving her post on high, Slips sideways down the sky. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:18 00:03:34 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_059 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_060 Poem no.60 by Ko-shikibu no Naishi Lady-in-Waiting Ko-shikibu SO long and dreary is the road, That I have never been To Ama-no-Hashidate; Pray, how could I have seen The verses that you mean? Koshikibu was the daugher of Izumi Shikibu, and early became known as a poetess. The story goes, that she was suspected of getting help from her mother in composing poetory; and on one occasion, during the absence of the latter at Ama-no-Hashidate, she was selected to take part in a poetical contest at Court. A day or two befor the event a nobleman laughingly asked her, if she was not expecting a letter from her mother, hinting that she would otherwise be unabel to produce a poem good enough for the contest, and she, touching his sleeve, improvised the above verse. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_051-060_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:35 00:03:54 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_060 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_061 Poem no.61 by Ise no Taiu The Lady Ise THE double cherry trees, which grew At Nara in past days, Now beautify this Palace, and Their blossoms all ablaze Perfume the royal ways. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:24 00:00:41 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_061 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_062 Poem no.62 by Sei Sho-nagon The Lady Sei Too long to-night you've lingered here, And, though you imitate The crowing of a cock, 'twill not Unlock the tollbar gate; Till daylight must you wait. This verse has reference to the Chinese story of Prince Tan Chu, who was shut up with his retainers in the town of Kankokkan; the city gates was closed from sunset to cockcrow, but during teh night one of the Prince's followers so successfully imitated the crowing the a cock, that the guards, thinking it was daybreak, opened the gates, and the fugitives escaped under cover of the darkness. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:42 00:01:00 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_062 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_063 Poem no.63 by Sakyo Taiu Michimasa The Shinto Official Michimasa, of the Left Side of the Capital IF we could meet in privacy, Where no one else could see, Softly I'd whisper in thy ear This little word from me— 'I'm dying, Love, for thee.' Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:27 00:01:49 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_063 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_064 Poem no.64 by Gon Chū-nagon Sada-yori The Assistant Imperial Adviser Sada-yori SO thickly lies the morning mist, That I can scarcely see The fish-nets on the river bank, The River of Uji, Past daybreak though it be. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:49 00:02:09 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_064 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_065 Poem no.65 by Sagami Sagami BE not displeased, but pardon me, If still my tears o’erflow; My lover's gone, and my good name, Which once I valued so, I fear must also go. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:09 00:02:26 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_065 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_066 Poem no.66 by Daisojo Gyoson The Archbishop Gyoson IN lonely solitude I dwell, No human face I see; And so we two must sympathize, Oh mountain cherry tree; I have no friend but thee. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:26 00:02:47 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_066 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_067 Poem no.67 by Suwo no Naishi The Lady-in-Waiting Suwo IF I had made thy proffered arm A pillow for my head For but the moment's time, in which A summer's dream had fled, What would the world have said? Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:47 00:03:05 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_067 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_068 Poem no.68 by Sanjo In The Retired Emperor Sanjo IF in this troubled world of ours I still must linger on, My only friend shall be the moon, Which on my sadness shone, When other friends were gone. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:05 00:03:23 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_068 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_069 Poem no.69 by No-in Hoshi The Priest No-in THE storms, which round Mount Mimuro Are wont to howl and scream, Have thickly scattered maple leaves Upon Tatsuta's stream; Like red brocade they seem. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:23 00:03:43 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_069 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_070 Poem no.70 by Riyo-zen Hoshi The Priest Riyo-zen THE prospect from my cottage shows No other hut in sight; The solitude depresses me, Like deepening twilight On a chill autumn night. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_061-070_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:43 00:04:02 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_070 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_071 Poem no.71 by Dai-Nagon Tsune-nobu The First Adviser of State Tsune-nobu THIS autumn night the wind blows shrill, And would that I could catch Its message, as it whistles through The rushes in the thatch And leaves of my rice-patch. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:24 00:00:43 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_071 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_072 Poem no.72 by Yūshi Naishinno Ke Kii The Lady Kii, of the House of Princess Yūshi THE sound of ripples on the shoree’er fails at Takashi; My sleeves all worn and wet with tearshould surely prove to thee,, too, will constant be. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:43 00:01:07 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_072 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_073 Poem no.73 by Gon Chū-nagon Masafusa The Assistant Imperial Adviser Masafusa THE cherry trees are blossoming On Takasago's height; Oh may no mountain mist arise, No clouds so soft and white, To hide them from our sight. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:07 00:01:30 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_073 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_074 Poem no.74 by Minamoto no Toshi-yori Ason The Minister Toshi-yori Minamoto OH! Kwannon, Patron of this hill, The maid, for whom I pine, Is obstinate and wayward, like The gusts around thy shrine. What of those prayers of mine? Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:30 00:01:53 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_074 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_075 Poem no.75 by Fujiwara no Mototoshi Mototoshi Fujiwara IT is a promise unfulfilled, For which I humbly sue The dainty little mugwort plant Relies upon the dew, And I rely—on you. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:53 00:02:11 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_075 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_076 Poem no.76 by Hosho-ji Nyūdo Saki no Kwambaku Daijodaijin The Late Regent and Prime Minister, the Lay Priest of the Hosho Temple WHEN rowing on the open sea, The waves, all capped with white, Roll onward, like the fleecy clouds With their resistless might; Truly a wondrous sight! Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:11 00:02:38 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_076 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_077 Poem no.77 by Sutoku In The Retired Emperor Sutoku THE rock divides the stream in two, And both with might and main Go tumbling down the waterfall; But well I know the twain Will soon unite again. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:38 00:02:56 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_077 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_078 Poem no.78 by Minamoto no Kanemasa Kanemasa Minamoto BETWEEN Awaji and the shore The birds scream in their flight Full oft they've made the Suma Guard Toss through a sleepless night, Until the morning light. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:57 00:03:18 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_078 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_079 Poem no.79 by Sakyo no Taiu Aki-suke The Shinto Official Aki-suke, of the Left Side of the Capital SEE how the wind of autumn drives The clouds to left and right, While in between the moon peeps out, Dispersing with her light The darkness of the night. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:18 00:03:41 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_079 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_080 Poem no.80 by Taiken Mon-in Horikawa Lady Horikawa, in Attendance on the Dowager Empress Taiken MY doubt about his constancy Is difficult to bear; Tangled this morning are my thoughts, As is my long black hair. I wonder—Does he care? Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_071-080_porter.mp3 mp3 00:03:41 00:04:03 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_080 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_081 Poem no.81 by Go Tokudai-ji Sadaijin The Minister-of-the-Left of the Tokudai Temple THE cuckoo's echo dies away, And lo! the branch is bare I only see the morning moon, Whose light is fading there Before the daylight's glare. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_081-090_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:24 00:00:44 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_081 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_082 Poem no.82 by Do-in Hoshi The Priest Do-in How sad and gloomy is the world, This world of sin and woe! Ah! while I drift along Life's stream, Tossed helpless to and fro, My tears will ever flow. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_081-090_porter.mp3 mp3 00:00:45 00:01:05 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_082 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_083 Poem no.83 by Kwo-tai-kogū no Taiu Toshi-nari Toshi-Nari, A Shinto Official in Attendance on the Empress Dowager FROM pain and sorrow all around There 's no escape, I fear; To mountain wilds should I retreat, There also I should hear The cry of hunted deer. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_081-090_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:05 00:01:28 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_083 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_084 Poem no.84 by Fujiwara No Kiyo-suke Ason The Minister Kiyo-suke Fujiwara TIME was when I despised my youth, As boyhood only can; What would I give for boyhood now, When finishing life's span An old decrepid man! Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_081-090_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:29 00:01:50 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_084 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_085 Poem no.85 by Shun-ye Hoshi The Priest Shun-ye ALL through the never-ending night I lie awake and think; In vain I look to try and see The daybreak's feeble blink Peep through the shutter's chink. Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_081-090_porter.mp3 mp3 00:01:50 00:02:07 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_085 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
audio_porter_086 Poem no.86 by Saigyo Hoshi The Priest Saigyo O’ERCOME with pity for this world, My tears obscure my sight; I wonder, can it be the moon Whose melancholy light Has saddened me to-night? Kevin Steinbach https://ia800706.us.archive.org/5/items/100_verses_japan_librivox/hundredpoems_081-090_porter.mp3 mp3 00:02:07 00:02:25 One Hundred Verses from Old Japan(LibriVox) 2006-08-23 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8014i#porter_086 http://linkdata.org/resource/rdf1s8930i#audio_porter
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